It’s with a very, very heavy heart that we have to announce our closing. The reasons behind this decision are due in part to economics, but far more due to health concerns of Soul Proprietor Stephen. Don’t worry, its nothing serious (yet). But the stress of a 7-day schedule 14 + hours a day has taken it’s toll.

A Special Message from Soul Proprietor Stephen:
17 years ago, a basic bagel shop was changed into Hoboken’s most unique sandwich shop! 12 years ago, I bought it. It’s true that now you can find Breakfast Burritos all over the area, but for years, we were the only ones. And always the best (of course).
To say our time here has been a roller coaster ride doesn’t do it justice. We’ve seen our share of setbacks. From Superstorm Sandy in 2012, to a New Year’s Day fire that put us out for over 7 months in 2015, to Covid, the effects of which we’re still suffering through. And more . . .
We’ve also seen our share of good times. Being a part of this community, this city where I was born has meant the absolute world to me. Sadly after 12 years — and especially this past 3 years — my body, my mind and indeed my soul needs a rest.
Without going into too much detail, I have neglected my health for far too long. It’s time to heal. I don’t know yet what the next chapter in this story might be, but I’m looking forward to the new journey. I’m not leaving Hoboken (yet, anyway). If you see me around town, say hi.