Justin “Judge” Defazio is a third-generation Hobokenite who has been drawing and playing music for as long as he can remember. He got his nickname from his Grandfather, who sat on the bench in Hoboken for 50 years.
His drawings are his own unique interpretations of the subjects he chooses to draw.
What About An Opening Reception?
Of course, hosting an Art Opening Reception is sadly out of the question at this time. We are working on doing a series of videos with live music that we’ll post somewhere on the Interwebs. We’ll keep you posted. Stop back here or check our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram for updates.
In the meantime, stop by and take a look at Judge’s work and maybe grab a gift for someone special (or for yourself … cuz you’re pretty special too).
Prices: $35 for one framed print or $100 for three
Supporting The Arts
As always, D’s Soul Full Cafe does not take any money from our artists. Any proceeds from art or music sold go directly to them.